Mission & Beliefs — Peace Lutheran Church of Salem, Oregon

Our Mission

Inviting and welcoming everyone to come and see the Gospel at work at Peace. (John 1:46)

“A caring community of people who gather together to worship God, grow in faith, and serve His people, locally and globally.”

Our Beliefs


Peace Lutheran Church invites you to be part of its “extended family” of Christians, believers who are called to be the church by the Holy Spirit in the Lutheran/evangelical catholic tradition. Martin Luther, who spearheaded the Lutheran reformation in the 1500’s, once said that gathering with God’s people in united adoration of God is necessary to the Christian life. In worship we hear God’s Word and receive the gifts of God’s presence, forgiveness, and strength to live the life to which believers are called, and hope for the life to come.


Peace is a worshiping community, a group of servants under Christ, our head, a part of the Body of Christ.  Our “roots” as a church go back to the first apostles of Jesus himself. God calls and empowers all believers to do ministry, each with his or her own God given gifts, under the leadership of a pastor called by the congregation, according to the faith and order of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

The women at Peace Lutheran play an important part in the congregation.  Women serve on the church council, serve on boards, have taught Sunday school, serve as ushers, read the lessons, serve as liturgists, as communion assistants, and as other lay assistants.  In summary, women are equal in all aspects of the congregation.


Shortly after the Reformation era, this affirmation of the faith of the early reformers became and remains to this day a shorthand summary of the Lutheran evangelical catholic confession of faith:  Grace Alone + Faith Alone + Scripture Alone + Christ Alone

Grace Alone

God loves the world. That’s what the Bible says (John 3:16), and God’s blessings are bestowed on all, believers or unbelievers, good or evil.  And though all people have sinned and do not deserve it, God sent Jesus, His Son, to love the unlovable and save sinners. The Gospel books tell how He suffered, died, and was raised from the dead. The Good News (The Gospel) is that Jesus of Nazareth is risen from the dead and welcomes everyone. He desires to be Lord and Savior to us all. This is THE Gospel.

Faith Alone

By His suffering and death as the substitute for all people of all time, Jesus purchased and won forgiveness and eternal life for them. Those who hear this Good News and believe it are called by the Holy Spirit to be His church and receive the eternal life that He offers. God creates faith in Christ and gives people forgiveness through Him.

Scripture Alone

The Bible is God’s Word for us, in which God calls us to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Bible is the sole rule and norm for our faith and life. In the Bible, God comes to us to show us our sin (Law), to lead us to trust in His love and mercy (Gospel), and to lead us to live a Godly life of love toward one another and the world.

Christ Alone

Finally, it all depends on Jesus Christ. The Bible proclaims that Jesus led a sinless life as the Son of God. And when he was arrested, put on trial, condemned, tortured, crucified and died on the cross, he gave Himself up as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people in all times and places. There is no one who merits what Jesus has done for us, and there is no one who deserves what he alone has given: in His name those who believe have life – abundant and eternal.