One definition of a "row" is  " a noisy quarrel, dispute, or disturbance; squabblebrawl, or commotion" (Collins on-line dictionary). 

For example: 

Person 1 says: If you went to church more often you would be a better person...not so hard to live with.  
Person 2 responds: Look who's talking. I can see that going to church hasn’t helped you any.  Do we have some seeds for a row?
Person 3 says: You spend a lot of money on yourself, but when I want a little something you act like we’re going to go bankrupt.  
Person 4 responds: Yeah, but I work harder than you do!  I need these things.  The row is on.
Person 5 says: If there wasn’t so much of your clutter around here, I could find what I’m looking for.  
Person 6 responds: My clutter?  What’s this?  YOUR CLUTTER.  Row on.  Row on. 

Maybe you have a few "rows" of your own.


[A Biblical/Pauline Procedure. Three steps: Positive, Negative, Positive]

The Church is Corinth. 

New Christians: many from paganism.

C 1. Positive.

C 2. Negatives. 

C 3. Positive. Sequence is the key.

 1.  COMMENCING: Positive.  I Cor. 1:2-9

V. 2.  "to the Church of God ... sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy”

V. 3. "grace and peace to you from God"

V. 4. "I always thank God for you"

V. 5. "in Him you have been enriched"  check Vs. 7-8

2. CONFRONTING: Negatives. Difficulties. [A few examples]

1:11 "quarrels among you"

3:3 "you are still worldly... jealousy..."

5:1  "sexual immorality among you"

6:7 "law suits among you"

11:21 abuse at the Lord's Supper.

3. CONCLUDING: Positive.

Chap. 12.  your Spiritual gifts. V 8  wisdom, V 9 faith

12:27, "you are the body of Christ"

Ch 13:4, "love is patient... kind... not easily angered..." [love/agape: Biblical term]

Ch 15:3 "Christ died,,,v. 4. "raised on the third day"  v. 51 "He gives us the victory".

The next time you and another person or persons attempt to face a difficulty together, the triple C approach has its benefits and blessings.  How many of us tend to slosh around in 2 C and deprive ourselves of the stabilizers and edifiers of 1 C and 3 C in our DEALING WITH DIFFICULT DEEDS? 


Our Father in heaven; hallowed be your name; your kingdom come and in the name of Jesus we pray that the fruit of your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and humility will continue to enmesh our relationships/fellowship with one another as we deal with difficulties.  Strengthen us to resist the devil and his stratagems.  Thank You for Your love in sending Jesus to be our Savior from the consequences of sin and bless us to love one another to their well-being and to your glory.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Ken Ollek, Pastor Emeritus