“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
For many people, religion consists of only duties, of “dos and don’ts”. In contrast to that, Jesus tells us, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” The life Jesus offers is more than physical existence. It is life with purpose, with meaning, and for the Christian, it is walking through life with the companionship of Jesus Christ Himself.
It is life full of all the goodness and mercy that God offers us in Jesus.
It is filled with the faithful love of Jesus! Abundantly! In large amounts! abounding in His tender mercy!
It is marked by the great plenty of God’s love in Jesus, who comes to give our physical life fullness and direction with Himself as our Companion.
It is only when we live with Christ, that we begin to really “live” in the full sense of the Word. And that relationship with Christ begins as we are buried with Him in the waters of baptism, and we rise with Christ as a new person bearing His new life within us. We are a new people continually growing closer to Him as He speaks to us in Scripture, and unites us to Himself in the Eucharist — until, as we are drawn ever closer to Him, we finally leave our physical existence and are united with Him in eternity.
“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
In these unprecedented times, with the uncertainties surrounding Covid-19, and our deep concerns over racial injustices, these words become even more meaningful. We look to Jesus Christ not only for guidance and wisdom, but also for the courage and strength to live our days in that abundant life.
God of Grace and Glory,
Give us wisdom. Give us courage….
for the living of our days.
The Rev. Gary Borges - 6/30/2020